The Blessings of Service


Many times when we think of service or being of service, its just one more thing to do or get done. And yet, there are numerous ways to be of service that doesn’t entail volunteering at a non-profit organization, which is always a commendable service.

What service means to me, is giving of your time, life, and mind in a way that benefits and supports another. This aspect of giving doesn’t have to be another thing to do on your To-Do list. Instead it can be part of what you are already doing throughout your day or week.

Doing service or being of service can have a bad rapt, just as exercise or eating healthy can be for some people. When we take a deeper look underlying the action of service we begin to see why individuals who do it seem so fulfilled and joyful in their lives.

The action and mind-state of service stems from a place of compassion, generosity, and a positive wish to make another feel good, which offers the practitioner who is being of service the innate benefits of joy, unity, and selflessness.

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Our individual selves are set up to be egocentric or self-centered, meaning that when we move throughout our day our egoic self works to keep itself comfortable and satiated in whatever it is engaged in. The ego’s comfort of going to work is getting that paycheck to spend however you’d like on whatever you’d like. The ego’s satiation for when the body is hungry is to eat that which satisfies the ego’s mind. The workings of the ego are centered around itself.

Whereas, in the state of being in service actually removes the egoic self, the self-centeredness to move into an other-focused standpoint. In service, we become concerned for the wellbeing of other, what the other may need, and how we can support the other to be their highest, brightest self. In short, service moves us into a different realm of Being, removing the individual self to see other and recognizing the other as our own self, which fosters unity and harmony amongst humanity.

When we are being of service to another we inherently are serving ourselves and tapping deeper into the realms of love, compassion, and unity outside of the egoic self. It’s quite magical.

Again, being of service to another doesn’t have to be another added task to do. Just by making an intent to be of service to another sets your day up with opportunities to recognize where you are already being of service. The recognition helps to foster the underlying benefits and rewards that you are reaping, but may have gotten lost in the busy-ness of one’s day.

Pause right now and make that intent. “I am supported in all that I do so that I may be of service to all Beings.”  

Begin to notice your acts of service to others. Recognize your service to others so that you can recognize the goodness that permeates the world, and how that goodness is reflected back into your own life. These are the blessings of service.

If you would like to be a supporter of service you are welcome to become a Dharma Center Member who supports our ability to offer public meditation classes to all. Dharma Center offers online classes for those that cannot make it physically to our meditation hall, donates to locate non-profit organizations, and offers retreats and Members events to further support one’s practice in the highest way.

Our next M.A.Y. Frog Meditation Workshop is on Tuesday, Dec 5. I look forward to sitting with you soon, so that I may be of service to you.

Heart Light,



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