Bright Media
Ninjacorn Podcast
Ninjacorn podcasts brings laughter filled experiences & stories from practitioners on the spiritual path. Guests share their struggles and challenges of practice, lessons learned from awakening, and how martial arts supplements the practice in a grounded, powerful way.
Ninjacorn’s name comes from the combination of Ninja 🥷🏻 + Unicorn 🦄 which is an ode to the magic and mysteries that occurs in tangible, real ways on the spiritual journey.
Meditation Music
Experience the Stillness of Eternity during one's sitting practice through meditation music played by the band Zazen. Zazen is a group of musicians who collaborated with an Enlightened teacher, Rama - Dr. Frederick Lenz to help the listener feel the beauty and ecstasy of Light when one sits to meditate. Through seated meditation practice one learns spiritual balance, happiness, and the dharma to live one’s highest and brightest life possible.
The Enlightenment Cycle talk set is an essential coursework for students of American Buddhism. This set of 12 talks is a summation that represents an enormous body of information. While each talk covers many subjects, within each discourse is a potent kernel of wisdom that grows upon each hearing.
Zen Talks
The teachings of Zen by Rama - Dr. Frederick Lenz, "Zen is meditation, the actual experience of life -- directly, immediately, with no buffers. Tantra is for someone who is really broad-minded, and that's the kind of Zen that I teach, which is what I feel Zen is. It is Bodhidharma Zen, your Zen, my Zen...".