Stripped Bare to Move Freely


In the discovery of Self we encounter deep-seated cultural and societal conditioning around what is perceived as weakness. Much of those beliefs and perceptions stem from old patterns of behaviors that have not been revamped for the current, modern day life of work and relationships. When these old beliefs are looked at closely we recognize that they are rooted in fear and avoidance, avoidance around potential change and discomfort. If one isn’t evolving and adapting in a balanced way to life then real weakness occurs through dis-ease, discontent, and dissatisfaction. All these D-words lead to further stagnation and rigidity blocking oneself off from fluidity, flexibility, and fun.

Fear and avoidance are the 2 largest culprits to one’s sabotage and imbalance. The longer we resist in looking at the issue(s) that cause us discontent the further we move away from Truth. And the Truth is what sets us free. This is the cost of real personal freedom.

The ability to look when we don’t want to, to be with a feeling, thought, or emotion arising within ourselves when we want to run away or numb out through various activities is challenging. Having courage when fear arises and taking contrary action when every fiber of our Being doesn’t want to. These are some key components to breaking through fear and avoidance. [Read more…]

When one is ready to look and process the things they are suffering from be it a relationship, job, or family issues we have to manage our expectations. When we shore up the courage to look at that which we are attached to there can be expectations that it will automatically go away after we’ve done the processing around it. Realistically, this isn’t always the case. Sometimes this happens, but most of the time the attachment is like a weed growing in your garden of life. We have to make sure the entire root has been extricated to be sure that the weed does not grow back. Many times because it can be such a challenge to look at these painful parts of ourselves that if we look at it once we think that it will be enough and it will all go away. The truth of the matter is that roots can run deep and they can have branches stemming off the main root. Therefore, there is a consistent and continual process in uprooting and eventually dissolving one’s attachments to the things that cause us turmoil, emotional turbulence, and lack of joy.

The benefit of thoroughly working through one’s attachment points is that one gets stronger and more effective in dealing with all the attachments that one has. The process is the same, although the specific tools used may be different.

When we strip ourselves bare of our ego’s defenses, we don’t become weak. Instead we become free and fluid to move through life without the burden and weight of one’s attachments dragging along creating undo resistance. Resistance can be beneficial when training to gain greater strength or proficiency at something, yet continual resistance over time is exhausting and depletes one’s energy and resources unnecessarily.

Join us at a class, retreat, or workshop to deepen the practice of stripping one’s attachments, dissolving it into Truth, and living life from a place of freedom. If you’d like to work one-on-one in private and individualized sessions for exponential results, contact me so we can discuss how I can best support you on your path of Self-Discovery.

Heart Light,

Hathor (Hui)


The Blessings of Service


The Unity of Masculine & Feminine Energies