Beyond Our Comfort Zone


When we set goals in our lives and put in the work it can feel like it will be a joyous ride all the way through. The truth is, when we set goals for ourselves we are innately seeking to restructure ourselves, working to reorient our body-mind system in a way that changes ourselves. How else would goals get reached, if not to move out of our comfort zone to attain that which we seek, beyond what we know?

In the initial dreaming and creation stages of shaping our goals, it’s easy to paint the rosy picture of lights and glitter that comes with an accomplished goal. Recognize the initial shininess of the dreaming stage as that which spurs one forward, taking the first step. It’s the typical carrot on the stick dangled in front of the tortoise to begin movement towards one’s goal.

Starting any journey in the beginning feels fun, exciting, and adventurous, not knowing what one will encounter out there in the big, wild wilderness. But after the initial exploratory adventures of newness, the continued, methodical approach towards one’s goal can seem less exciting. And if the goal isn’t clearly aligned with one’s heart the questions and reasoning one has can easily lead to aborting the mission.

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It’s always good to check-in with yourself, taking the pulse of what you’ve done, how far you’ve come, and if it continues to serve the highest and brightest by continuing onward. This pulse checking keeps a mindful awareness around potential changes in a relationship and/or environment where one’s goal may no longer be conducive to the situation at hand. 

Now that you’ve continued, persevered when you wanted to turn back or quit, each step forward merges one’s will with one’s heart and all the possibilities that it offers when they work in unison towards a goal. This is also where the real work begins, the work that tests one’s determination, faith, trust, and belief in oneself; it dredges up all the fears and insecurities within us to face all the ways we oppress and limit ourselves. It’s the last 20% where 80% of the work is needed to complete the task or goal. The last big push before finally birthing the acclaimed goal that one had sought to achieve seemingly oh so long ago is where one goes beyond.

Beyond our comfort zone is where everything we want lives. Who is willing to make that journey into the beyond? Not the I, as that’s rooted in the ego, thriving on what is comfortable and familiar. Beyond is where goals are achieved and met with the glorious light of the heart, smiling within knowing a job well done and knowing what it took to get there.

Go beyond what you know and begin the journey of a lifetime. If in your going beyond you wish for support, consider a 3-6-9 Program that M.A.Y. Frog Therapy is offering now!

Happy Journeys Beyond,

Hui (Hathor)




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