Do you find yourself moving through schedules that feels stale? A routine that feels monotonous rather than joyful?
Maybe it’s an opportunity to make time for some magic in your life. 

Living within what is familiar could be called the ground of competence. And remaining in that space rather than exploring outside our boundaries can affect imbalances in one's mind-body system that leaves us susceptible to dis-ease.

Sure, there can be fears of what is beyond the known or even fears of failure when we step outside our ground of competence. Plus, doing something that we know can give us a great sense of identity and purpose. Yet to gain mastery over Self (our mind-body system) means stepping out of who we think we are and what we know, and into potentiality. 

Potentiality is the space of possibilities that draws upon one’s unique gifts and harness’ them to create ingenious (magical) relations to people, places, and things.

Magic happens when you are aligned and operating from your power (i.e. inner genius). Magic is experienced by cultivating balance and discernment, and can look like: 

  • A call with a client that supercedes what you had on the agenda and doubles into a beautiful collaboration for the benefit & success of both parties 

  • Trying something you’re interested in and you not only enjoy it but you excel at it with ease & grace

  • Conveying something that is received with clarity & understanding and takes your relationship to another level of awareness and authenticity 

  • When something that’s been challenging for a long time clears

  • Naturally feeling at peace in environments or situations that before would’ve been stressful, harsh, or draining 

  • When what you’ve desired & longed for unfolds before your eyes and you bear witness to it

Magic happens all the time - make sure you are Present to it unfolding in your life.

Step into more magic through meditation, mindfulness practices, and personal refinement through M.A.Y. Frog Therapy’s workshops, classes, and private sessions.

Join me the first Tuesday each month, August 2 for our next online meditation workshop at 6pm (PST). You can also join me online Sunday, August 21 at 11am (PST) for a Body + Heart + Mind = Light class.

I look forward to sitting with you.

Heart Light,
Hui (Hathor)


The Art & Power of Presence


The Power of Constancy