I hear quite often the struggle to sit in Stillness, to quiet the mind that seems to run in all directions at once. Yet, when we give ourselves the time to sit and then to sit consistently, we quickly recognize the positive benefits that stream forth from the practice.

I have come to know the infinite blessings that comes from meditation practice, but more importantly I've realized the power that comes from consistent practice no matter what is happening in my world. The commitment to sit daily, doing my best with wrangling my mind and its thoughts into a peaceful state seemed like an impossible task. It seemed like I was just setting myself up for failure.

Yet when I began to instill a routine of sitting daily, I came to experience the profound benefits that stem from the power of constancy. Through discipline, commitment, and focus, which are all aspects within consistent practice personal power is gained.

Usually when amazing feats are accomplished, they are the seeds that sprout from consistent action, choices, and behaviors that leads the individual to success. This is how individuals accomplish: a masters or doctorate degree in university, a black-belt in martial arts, complete an ultra marathon, or lose 20lbs - 30lbs for health benefits.

Even if your accomplishments aren't being touted in the public eye from your consistent practice, I promise you that the rewards you reap will far surpass any accolade given to you because you will have known and had your personal experience with peace and joy.

Join me the first Tuesday each month, June 7 for our next online meditation workshop at 6pm (PST). You can also join me  online Sunday, June 12 for a Body + Heart + Mind = Light class.

I look forward to sitting with you.

Heart Light,
Hui (Hathor)


Make Time for Magic


Falling Gracefully