When we are truly living in the Present Moment only Now exists. Yet the world we live and work in is set-up on the construct of time – something that moves linearly from past, present, to future. An interesting discovery happens with mindfulness practice, (and something my teacher Turīya shared) which is the mind lives from the present, past, then future. 🤯

Consider this timeline for a minute...the current moment is happening, but all of one’s past associations, memories, or reflections bring the past into the forefront before launching ourselves into planning, wishing, or hoping for something to happen in the future.
If we are living from our past into the future how does one actually get Present with what is happening Now?! How does one create a different future reality for themselves without living from past mistakes, regrets, or remorse?
Once you see the twist in how the mind works in relation to time, we unlock a powerful realization of the incredible value and positive benefits when we carve out consistent time to experience being present with the moments that are arising and falling away – like the in-breath and out-breath of our lungs. Our seated meditation practice.
The mind-training we do through focus, concentration, and awareness during seated meditation leads to a sharper, clearer mind to recognize when our thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors are operating from the past and not being Present with what is happening Now. How can you possibly expect to take advantage of the new possibilities and opportunities arising around you if you aren’t present and receptive to seeing each moment anew?
Begin practicing now by contemplating these questions:

  • How do you interact with someone you’ve known for years? Maybe in a relationship where there’s a familiar routine?

  • What do you need to do to move through a day without being confined to expectations or labels that it’s ‘Monday’? Or ‘Friday’?

  • How do you address and communicate your thoughts and emotions to another without the filters of prior arguments or hurts from the past?

  • What can you do to shift out of the past and live from the present & future now?

Join me online tomorrow, Feb 7 for The Art of Stillness workshop at 6pm (PST). You can also join me online Sunday, Feb 19 at 11am (PST) on The Art of Relationships with Yourself & Others class.
I look forward to sitting with you.

Heart Light 🌈,
Hui (Hathor)

The Art & Power of Presence online meditation workshop

Refined Beauty


Make Time for Magic