

As we enter into Summer, continuing to navigate the effects of COVID-19 and race protests, consider how gentleness can help bolster positive ways of engaging and operating in a world that has shifted dramatically in these past couple of months.

Gentleness is the compassionate activity of positive regard, loving support, and the spaciousness to allow others and ourselves to be as they are.

Continuing to wish the world back to ‘how it was’ or ‘how I want it to be’ leaves one living from a place of anguish or nostalgia instead of presence. The confusion and turbulence of untangling oneself from an attachment of expecting how something should be, is like an animal caught in a trap. Attachment in the world of Buddhism means to get hooked by something (an emotion, thought, or belief) that creates suffering. When one is caught in a mind-state of attachment one’s ego writhes and thrashes around in fear, in a frantic state to break free from the discomfort of what the ego doesn’t like - Change and The Unknown.

We need to recognize first where we are. Hooked, trapped, and trying to get out.

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Then we bring in gentleness to calmly embrace, and support what is. Gentleness becomes the soothing balm to the ego freaking out.

With gentleness infused into the situation or relationship we bring in the skillful means of compassion. Recognizing that suffering is the result of attachment.

Gentleness offers spaciousness to allow one to be how they are without the wish to change anything. Gentleness is radical acceptance. Full acceptance of What Is allows for anything to be possible. When we have total acceptance of being caught in a trap that is causing us pain it opens the doorway to choose what we will do with what we have in that very moment. Awareness of choice in that instant causes freedom to not only be possible, but accessible.

Radical acceptance for What Is regains one’s balance to seeing beauty amidst all that is - the beauty of community, resilience, Mother Nature, inter-connectedness, and ally-ship during this time.

For those interested in getting greater results from their time, life, and mind check out our Goal-Oriented 3-6-9 Program. Our Goal-Oriented Therapy gives individuals a customized system to address and meet personal goals in a 3mos, 6mos, or 9mos time-frame, cutting out endless and aimless therapy sessions that don’t get tangible results.

Our next Meditation Workshop is on Tuesday, July 7, register here. I look forward to sitting with you then.

Summer Heart Light,
Hathor (Hui)


Spring Has Sprung in 2021


Beyond Our Comfort Zone