Right Timing with the Right Tools
There is a real formula for accomplishment and success when we incorporate Right Timing with the Right Tools.
Not having the Right Timing and the Right Tools becomes evident when we are struggling to do something that ends up taking twice as long and causes us to exert exorbitant amounts of energy to complete it. Then, there are moments when we utilize Right Timing with the Right Tools to accomplish something that gives us the experience of ease, peace, and joy.
This became apparent when the husband and I were to do a hike at Pinnacles National Park. We were unclear from the maps whether it would be a 6 mile or an 8 mile-long hike and decided (begrudgingly on my part) to depart the next morning at 7am to do the hike in order to give us plenty of time to complete it without having to worry about how much daylight we would have or if we would be too exposed from the midday heat.
The evening before the hike we took the time to prepare our packs to make sure that we not only had enough water, but snacks to keep us energized as well as the proper layers of clothing to move through the various terrain that we would encounter through our 2,581 ft. climb.
I seriously considered bowing out of the whole hike and made a mini exit-plan to turn around at mile 3 should I feel the need to, while allowing the husband to complete the full loop on his own as he wished. Thankfully, I pushed beyond my comfort zone and completed the whole loop, giving me the rare opportunity to see a condor up close as we rounded one of the bends on the trail. (See my Instagram page @huireccow for pictures.)
From this process, I realized how valuable it was to move at the Right Time, using the Right Tools (or gear) in order to accomplish the task with a sense of adventure, excitement, and fun vs. drudgery, delay, or despair.
M.A.Y. Frog Therapy helps you take advantage of Right Timing And make sure you have the Right Tools to support that which you seek to accomplish. Below, I also share a 6min video on how the tools of Present Moment + Gratitude = Success!
You're invited to a free workshop on Sunday, June 27 at 11am on Women at Work: How to Navigate Bias in the Workplace, see below for details.
Join me online Tuesday, June 1 at 5:30pm (PST) for a meditation, talk, and Q&A discussion.
Heart Light,
Hui (Hathor)
Present Moment + Gratitude = Success!