The Being Dimension

One of the greatest stressors in life is our Being stretching itself into the past thinking about it with regret or nostalgia or trying to manipulate the future leaving us worried and anxious with the unknowns. Eckhart Tolle, author of the Power of Now speaks to this incredible value and gift of the Being Dimension, being where we are, in this Present moment.

I often share that only in this moment do we have access to our mind, body, and spirit. In the past, we may place our mind and spirit there, but our physical body is no longer there, which can bring forth different emotions (i.e remorse, guilt, shame, or longing) that disconnects us from our personal power and creates suffering. Then if we try to go into the future (when it has not yet arrived) we are only able to place our mind and spirit there, but our physical body is not there to actualize anything in this physical world, so we end up future-tripping which drains our mental energy and depletes our personal power again.

Mind thoughts of regret or guilt + Spirit's sadness => Past

Mind thoughts of worry + Spirit's anxiety => Future-tripping

Mind + Spirit + Physical Body => This Present Moment

In honor of the Being Dimension and this Present moment, I'm delighted to share a new book by my teacher and friend Turīya called Bare Feet Bare Soul released today! It's about a mystical adventure in India turned into something much bigger. The story reveals what happens AFTER awakening and all that entails as we integrate the awakening process.

Join me online tomorrow Sunday, July 21 at 11am PST for The Art of Relationships with Yourself & Others or the first Tuesday each month, next one on September 3 at 6pm PST for The Art of Stillness.

I look forward to sitting with you!

  • Do you want to know the blind spots holding you and your relationship back from greater balance and harmony?

  • Do you recognize that if you actually knew better you would do better?

  • Does learning new tools and skill sets to making your life better something you earnestly strive for? If so...

The online course programs of Empowered Self-Mastery and Healthy, Happy Relationships are available now. The courses were designed to cut out the fluff and give you pithy, direct, cut-through-the-b.s. teachings to help you increase your personal power, gain new choices, and change unhealthy behaviors significantly faster within yourself and your relationships.

The Empowered Self-Mastery course helps you to live life on life's terms to support you in personal refinement as you journey to Self-Mastery.

  • Gain clarity to what is right for you, in ways that work best for you.

  • Discern how to create a happier, more balanced life.

  • Have greater self-trust, ease, and flow in attracting what you want.

Learn More

The Healthy, Happy Relationship course aligns you to the highest, brightest relationships that You Can Enjoy!

  • Attain the ability to show up in any relationship with a calm, centered, trusting space to be authentically you

  • Attract new, healthy relationships that are at your level

  • Implement and communicate healthy boundaries with others to deepen your level of self-care

Learn More

Each course specifically addresses the most important patterns, behaviors, pitfalls, and challenges encountered when up-leveling your time, life, mind, and relationships.

p.s. Ninjacorn podcasts episodes 1 through 9 are out now! Watch it on Youtube or listen on Spotify for some fun, spiritual entertainment. ;D

Heart Light,
Hui (Ekajati)


Happy Summer & Happy News 🌻🌸🌼🌷☀️!